
Angel workshops help you to understand angels.

The workshops are held in my Angel room and sometimes in my garden which is all very peaceful and tranquil.
The workshops will give you the knowledge you need for guidance and you will learn how wonderful it is to truly know the love that Angels can give.
You too can bring in the light.

Angel workshop Full Day

The workshops can be for individuals or a group. 

All workshops are priced at £25.00.

Workshops are 3 and a half hours long. Morning workshops are from 9.30AM until 1.00PM, and afternoon workshops are from 2.00PM until 5.30PM; however, I can be flexible on times and days if you notify me in advance.

To book a workshop please email or phone me on 07976 384595.

Location: 45 Aylesbury Road, Hockley Heath, Solihull, B94 6PD

Upon booking please email me any food or drink allergies:

Angels love laughter and joy, when your heart is open your spirit is happy and your mind is calm. We can bring in the angels together.

Angel blessings,

Viv xx

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