About Vivienne

I feel very strongly i am guided to teach people to bring in light, love, and to learn about Angel Therapy. My first workshop i went to was with a friend, it all happened by chance. It was a Angel  workshop with a Diana Cooper master Teacher in Portsmouth a wonderful lady called Rosalind. I knew then one day i would be back. November 2015 i made the phone call to Rosalind and asked if i could become a Diana Cooper Angel Teacher and completed the course in July 2016. There is always much to learn but when you connect with your Angels you will be amazed how much they want to help and guess what? You only have to ask!

My Gallery

Whenever you connect with Angels anything is possible. Now is the time to open your heart and let them in.

My goal is to help people and bring them closer to Angels and to spread the light.
Let the divine light guide you. When you connect with Angels anything is possible.

Thank You, for closing the doors that need to be closed, and opening the doors that need to be opened!
OPEN your door to Angels.